Monday, February 26, 2018

New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute -3rd annual conference- Environmental Conditions of the Animas and San Juan Watersheds

From the posting

The New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute is pleased to host the 3rd annual conference on Environmental Conditions of the Animas and San Juan Watersheds. The Conference Planning Committee is eager to build on the success of the last two conferences in bringing together researchers and the general public to meet, learn from, and share the results of ongoing research associated with the August 2015 Gold King Mine spill, as well as other mine waste issues.

Much has transpired over the past two years, and this conference will provide an update of the increased understanding of the spill as well as the transition to long-term monitoring. This year the scope of the conference has broadened to include all related water quality topics.
The conference will take place on June 20-21, 2018 at San Juan College in Farmington, New Mexico. The technical program will include oral and poster presentations. A June 19 pre-conference field trip will give participants a geologic tour of the Silverton area and a guided mine tour. The post-conference field trip on June 22 will include a Teach-In at the Navajo Shiprock Chapter House.
The conference continues to support the activities outlined in the Gold King Mine Water Spill Long Term Monitoring Plan, prepared by the New Mexico's Long Term Impact Team (April 4, 2016).